Sunday, July 11, 2010

OWW!!! Changed My Game

Recently I got a tweak in my knee. Bumps, bruises, twists and pains are a part of the grappling lifestyle. We all know that. But what I actually like is when pain can HELP me fill the holes in my game. Its amazing how pain in the knee can scare the daylights out of me but in reality it's good because it forces me to play other parts of the grappling game. If your knee hurts and you work thru it and it's not a serious injury it can actually benefit you. For me it helps me to not stand so a de la Riva hook hooks that leg, pass to my weak side of passing, no leg locks, no guard if I can help it, certainly no rubber guard or twister setups but most of all I am forced to be strategist and enforce my gameplan and at a bare minimum enforce my safety. With an injury one should not even roll but I find pain to be a great game change up. I am by no means think I know everything there is to know nor have all my reps in each move to be a master of masters so I look at my cup as half full when these situations arise and am actually thankful I experience the pain in order to grow.

I use a similar tactic with my blue belts. My local guys; I have them use 3x5 cards with assignments of positions, sweeps and submissions that I want them to focus on for that month. If a guys guard is horrible I may make him attack armbars from the guard. To go even deeper I may make the same student attack only the opponents right arm for 2 weeks to a month. This really hones in on a specific technique. The same can be done with any positions, sweeps and submissions you choose. I really individualize it for each student. If a student has been doing privates recently on half guard I would have them going straight to half as much as possible for the time period on their card. Things will happen, bad things- when a grappler is open enough to improve a weakness. Their back can be taken, they can be passed etc until they have the right timing and execution but those who look at BJJ as a marathon and not a sprint do the best. If the attitude is "I never get armbars from the guard but today I got 2 because I kept trying even though the 1st 10 times I got passed" that mentality, that humility of that student will make him to be a great Jiu Jitsu player. Some of my guys I have given my cards to and they never used it or maybe used it once. Every week I am supposed to get written results so it's also a good indicator of who is serious and who just runs their mouth about wanting to get better. Even my Team Trinity advanced students in Sweden write me a weekly report via Facebook. Constant communication and consistency is they key factor between student and adult in my opinion..

thats all for now